Apr 26, 2024
Prepared by

What is the background to providing statutory provisions on anti-profiteering in GST law?

The Study Report titled ‘Implementation of Value Added Tax (VAT) in India-Lessons for transition to GST’ released by the Comptroller & Auditor General (C&AG) of India in June, 2010 mentioned about several cases of profiteering by dealers by not passing on the benefit of tax rate reduction to the consumers in the wake of implementation of VAT in the country. The above C&AG report, after checking the records of 13 manufacturers in a State in three initial months of implementation of VAT, found that the manufacturers did not reduce the MRP of the goods despite sharp fall in the tax rate post-VAT implementation. As a learning from the VAT experience, legal teeth was sought to be provided in GST law by incorporating anti-profiteering provisions to check profiteering by businesses when GST was being rolled out in the country.
