Jul 05, 2024
Electronic Commerce

What is Electronic Commerce?

Jul 05, 2024
Electronic Commerce

Who is an e-commerce operator?

Jul 05, 2024
Electronic Commerce

Is it mandatory for e-commerce operator to obtain registration?

Jul 05, 2024
Electronic Commerce

Whether a supplier of goods or services supplying through e-commerce operator would be entitled to threshold exemption?

Jul 05, 2024
Electronic Commerce

Will an e-commerce operator be liable to pay tax in respect of supply of goods or services made through it, instead of actual supplier?

Jul 05, 2024
Electronic Commerce

Will threshold exemption be available to electronic commerce operators liable to pay tax on notified services?

Jul 05, 2024
Electronic Commerce

What is Tax Collection at Source (TCS)?

Jul 05, 2024
Electronic Commerce

It is very common that customers of e-commerce companies return goods. How these returns are going to be adjusted?

Jul 05, 2024
Electronic Commerce

What is meant by “net value of taxable supplies”?

Jul 05, 2024
Electronic Commerce

At what time should the e-commerce operator make such collection?

Jul 05, 2024
Electronic Commerce

What is the time within which such TCS is to be remitted by the e-commerce operator to Government account?

Jul 05, 2024
Electronic Commerce

How can actual suppliers claim credit of this TCS?

Jul 05, 2024
Electronic Commerce

Is the e-commerce operator required to submit any statement? What are the details that are required to be submitted in the statement?

Jul 05, 2024
Electronic Commerce

What is the concept of matching in e-commerce provisions and how it is going to work?

Jul 05, 2024
Electronic Commerce

What will happen if the details remain mismatched?

Jul 05, 2024
Electronic Commerce

Are there any additional powers to tax officers available?

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